Fututre Gen Community
Mailing Lists
For broad, opinion based, ask for external resources, debug issues, bugs, contributing to the project, and scenarios,
it is recommended you use the support@futuregenskill.com mailing list.
admin@futuregenskill.com is for usage questions, help, and announcements. (subscribe) (unsubscribe) (archives)
support@futuregenskill.com is for people who want to contribute code to future gen or other software application.
Reporting Security Issues
Please see the Security page for information on how to report sensitive security vulnerabilities, and for information on known security issues.
Chat Rooms
Chat rooms are great for quick questions or discussions on specialized topics. The following chat rooms are not
officially part of future gen community they are provided for reference only.
Events and Meetups
Spark Summit India 2022. June 24 - 26 in India.
Microservice India 2022. July 4 - 7 in India.
Apache Hadoop India 2022. Aug 7 - 9 in India.
Spring summit India 2022. Oct 14 - 17 in India.
Performance and Tuning summit India 2022. Nov 24 - 26 in India.
ORM Frameworks summit India 2022. Dec 12 - 13 in India.
If you'd like your meetup or conference added, please email support@futurgenskill.com
Issue Tracker
The project tracks bugs and new features on JIRA. If you'd like, you can also subscribe to support@futuregenskill.com to
receive emails about new issues, and support@futuregenskill.com to get emails about commits.