Oracle now releases new versions of Java every six months in March and September with the aim of giving developers smaller but more frequent updates than its previous big-bang updates every few years. LTS releases remain supported for at least eight years.
Oracle JDK 19 is not a long-term support (LTS) release. Oracle JDK 17 (announced on September 14, 2021) is the most recent long-term support (LTS) under the release cadence announced in 2018. Oracle has announced plans to shorten the time between future LTS releases, from 3 years to 2 years so you should expect the next LTS to be Java 21 in September of 2023.
A record class declares a sequence of fields, and then the appropriate accessors, constructors, equals, hash Code , and to String methods are created automatically. The fields are final because the class is intended to serve as a simple "data carrier".
The Foreign Function & Memory API enables access to native memory (i.e., memory outside the Java heap) and access to native code (e.g., C libraries) directly from Java.
Virtual threads are a lightweight implementation of Java threads, delivered as a preview feature in Java 19.
Java 19 delivers the fourth iteration in which the API has been extended to include new vector operations as well as the ability to store vectors in and read them from memory segments
In Java 19, changed the syntax of the so-called "Guarded Pattern" (in the example below Instead of &&, we now have to use the new keyword when.switch (obj) {case String s when s. length() > 5 -> System.out.println(s.toUpperCase()); case String s -> System.out.println(s.toLowerCase());case Integer i -> System.out.println(i * i); default -> {}}
If a task consists of different subtasks that can be done in parallel (e.g., accessing data from a database, calling a remote API, and loading a file), we could so far use the Java executable framework for this. Structured concurrency, a concept intended to improve the implementation, readability, and maintainability of code for requirements of this type.
To keep it short: yes, you can. If you have a large, high-load enterprise application and still use Java 8, you will definitely see better performance, faster start-up time, lower memory footprint after migrating. Programmers working on that application should also be happier, as there are many improvements to the language itself.
1.The new Java Record data type
2.Java text blocks
3.Helpful NullPointerException instructions
4.Switch statement expressions
7.Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal
8.Foreign Function and Memory API
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